John Weaver, Ph.D

Translating and Editing Services

Samples of my Work


Dr. John Weaver
Don-Bosco-Str. 4
96047 Bamberg

Grafik: Computer

Translations for Courses

I've taught German-to-English translation since 1977, usually using excerpts I adapt from current German newspaper articles on American or British cultural issues. Here's a sample text, a short translation test on immigrant protests in the U.S. This short list presents representative translation texts, generally of 250-300 words (any of these texts, with my own translation, are available on request by email):

Gefangenenlager Guantanamo, Deutschlandradio, 2.7.06

"Party mit bösen Folgen," Olivia Schoeller, Berliner Zeitung, 29.4.06 (Duke University lacrosse team race / sex scandal)

"Grenzgang an der Tortilla-Mauer," Georg Friesenbichler, Wiener Zeitung, 13.4.06 (illegal immigrants)

40 Morgan Land und ein Maultier; Entschädigung für Sklavenarbeit, Berliner Zeitung / Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28.3.02 (slavery reparations)

"Amerkas Cup," Sabina Griffith, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22.8.01 (yacht racing)

"Don Giovanni als Hauptgang," Tanja Moser, Frankfurter Rundschau, 25.8.01 (opera, restaurants)

"Der lässige Freitag kommt aus der Mode," Viola Schenz, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 31.3.01 (life-style, business)

University & Freelance Translations

My freelance translating includes a 108-page government foreign aid project report; a series of articles for Design International, a trade journal; a book-length history of the GEW teachers' union; a chapter of a book on Bonn University, and numerous articles by professors presented at conferences or published in academic journals. The topics have ranged from economic history to sociology, sex education and literary criticism.

This translation of a letter of recommendation by a law professor can be considered typical of my university translating over the years.

My Big Project

My 1985 Ph.D. dissertation on Franz Daniel Pastorius (1651-c. 1720), an early German-American colonist, remains my biggest writing and translating project. So I'm including a summary of it here and an excerpt as well.


I trained for a journalism career at Lafayette College, worked as a reporter in 1966-67 and kept a focus on print and new media in my teaching of cultural studies (Landeskunde) at Bonn University. Here is a news article I wrote as a voluteer journalist for the "On Strike Spartan Daily" student newspaper at San Jose State University during Vietnam War protests in 1970.

Other Writing

Here is Writing Basics, my own summary of what is most important for students learning to write essays of criticism or analysis. (It's concise advice!) And here's a sample of my informal writing, an inspired little account of touring Yorkshire, England, in 1996.

Dr. John Weaver
Don-Bosco-Str. 4
96047 Bamberg

Updated 18 September 2008